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Image by Sixteen Miles Out

Life in Christ

He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life

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Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

John 14:6

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About Me

How Life in Christ Came to Be

Hello everyone! My name is Yvette Mikhail. Life in Christ came to be when the Lord put it on my heart to begin to minister the revelation and insight that He has given and continuously gives to me! In September of 2019, I said Yes to the King of Kings and allowed Him into my heart at once. When I let Jesus Christ change me, that’s when everything else changed! I went from depression, despair, anxiety, and brokenness to a new life filled with hope, prosperity, nothing missing & nothing broken. When I cried out to the Lord He answered my every prayer and my life turned around. I had never felt so free, so loved and so forgiven in my entire life. I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to live this life without Jesus - the only One who can transform your life and bring you into every blessing He has in store for you! I pray this blog blesses you and brings you closer to Him because He is the way, the truth and the life.

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The Time is NOW!

One of the biggest things the enemy likes to use is procrastination. If he can get you to hold off on something the Lord told you to do,...

Renew Your Mind Daily

This week I want you to simply keep the Word of God in your heart and on your tongue. As women of God and believers of Jesus Christ, we...

God Won't Fail You

I am sure at least once in your life, someone has failed you in some way. Whether they told you they were going to be there and ended up...

Look Up, Child!

How often is it that when something happens to you, you look up? We tend to look at our circumstances, or put our heads down in shame of...

His Timing, Not Ours

I can say that in my walk with the Lord, I have struggled in the past with waiting. We live in a society today where everything is...

God is Faithful

The definition of the word faithful simply means steadfast in affection or allegiance. Another definition would be firm in adherence to...

Pray Instead of Worry

One of the biggest tactics of the enemy is to get us to worry instead of leaning on the power of prayer. Philippians 4:6-7 says “Do not...

God is Refining You

I know that the trial you are facing right now may not be ideal and has been a test of your faith, but I want to say that God can use...

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Image by Joel Muniz

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