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Breakthrough Is Around The Corner!

Writer's picture: Life in Christ Life in Christ

I know that you may be facing a battle right now and you may even be saying to yourself, when will this end? Do you know when you are about to come into breakthrough? When things seem to be getting worse. The enemy knows that you are about to step into something that will catapult you to the next thing God has for you and he wants to stop it!

Breakthrough is around the corner! Before David stepped into his calling, he had to fight Goliath who was much bigger and stronger than him physically. You want to know that after David defeated Goliath, he then stepped into the promises of God? Remember, that God was with David and helped him defeat Goliath! David knew that anyone who cursed God would meet their judgement and Goliath met his!

Are you in the battle right now? Are you facing your Goliath? I want to encourage you to use the full armor of God, come against Goliath and speak to him and say “You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted.” (1 Samuel 17:45) Watch God vindicate, stand with you and give you the victory!


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