Romans 8:28 says "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”
If there is one verse in the Bible that gives you hope, it would be this one. I love the fact that God tells us that although we face challenges in life, it's not the end all be all. God has a supernatural way of taking something - that hurt - that pain - that rejection or whatever is was, and work it out for your good. It made you stronger and more wiser and you came out better than you were before!
Whatever you may be facing, I want you to count on the fact that God loves you, and when you place a situation into His hands, He will see to it, that it works out for good. We often times think that God has forsaken us when we go through a trial, but we need to have a shift in perspective. Have you ever thought that working things out for the good also means that even through the storm, He is doing a work on you and through you?
Can it be that even though God didn’t cause the storm, He wants you to have faith that it’s Him who is sustaining you, giving you wisdom, and strengthening you during this time. You can be sure that our Great and Awesome God does not waste anything, and He is working it out for your good. Amen!
