Let me start out by saying that we are called to be separated and we are not of this world even though we are living in it (John 17:16). Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
One of the biggest things the enemy tries to get us to do is to allow circumstances and situations to conform or change us the way it does with the world. For example, we can either be overcomers in Christ, or we can be bitter over a situation and how we decide that is based on what we are feeding our minds on a daily basis.
If we feed our minds with garbage, unforgiveness, bitterness, etc., then we will conform to that situation and become bitter on the outside. If we allow the Word of God to renew our thoughts, then we become changed and conformed to the image of Jesus and become that overcomer in Him! The most powerful thing out of all of this is that we get to choose. We can choose to be bitter or better. We can choose to be empowered or defeated.
I want to encourage you to feed your mind with the Word of God. Get into His Word and know what the Lord says about you, and your situation because one thing that is for sure is that we serve a God who is faithful to perform, and will always cause us to triumph! Don’t allow the enemy to conform your thoughts and your actions! Be transformed by the Word of God!