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Everything is a Gift

I truly know that one of the highest forms of worship is praise and thanksgiving. It’s so precious to the Lord when He sees His people so grateful for all of the things He has blessed them with. If you think about it, everything is a gift from God. Your life. Your children. Your spouse. Your home. Your job. Breathe in your lungs. I mean the fact that you woke up this morning is a gift in and of itself.

I have learned that everything I am, and all that I have is from the Lord. There is no way I could’ve become who I am today or have what I have today if it weren’t for Jesus Christ and His mercy and love! Life would not be worth living if it were not for Jesus dying on the Cross for our sins. The fact that salvation is a free gift - you don’t have to work for it - is a beautiful gift! Because of Jesus Christ, you have full access to the Father and blessings beyond comprehension. You can walk in victory every step of the way because of Jesus!

One of the things the enemy tries to do is to take your focus off of Jesus and onto our circumstances. The enemy wants you to magnify the issues instead of magnifying the Lord and His mighty power! I have made this very same mistake and the Lord corrected me on this because I became so ungrateful. I found myself in a place of negativity and complaining about all of the things that were going wrong in my life instead of the things that were going right (which by the way outweighed the wrong).

The Lord told me that whenever a situation comes up, I need to begin praising and thanking Him for the victory. Instead of fixing my mind on 1 thing - I need to thank the Lord for 100 things off of the top of my head and by the time I am done that 1 situation that seemed so big becomes very very small!

When you begin to see everything as a gift, your entire perspective changes. When you thank the Lord constantly and on a daily basis, you will position yourself to become resilient to trials and tests. You will come out with the victory because you magnified the victorious One!

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